Nicole Picton

UX Designer


week 7

IXD304 – Week 07 – Overview

The Story of eBooks and Storyboard Workshop This week we started off with a lecture about the story of eBooks. We learnt all about what eBooks are, as well as the characteristics of an eBook, and how to effectively design… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 07 – Overview

Group Critique This week we had a group critique section on our projects so far. For this, we had to include our brand, user personas, wireframes and three of our screens so far. This is the PDF of my slides… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 07 Notes Review

Visualising Data This week marked the beginning of our new project: Data Visualisation. Here are some notes I took during this lecture: Overall, I really enjoyed looking through the work of the artists mentioned today and I think I will… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 07 – Brand Guidelines

This week we were tasked with coming up with a set of brand guidelines for a local brand that may not have established them publicly. For this task, I chose to research and build a set of guidelines for an… Continue Reading →

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