Nicole Picton

UX Designer


ixd 103

IXD103 – Week 08 – Interface Inventory

Urban Outfitters Interface Inventory Part of the tasks for this week was to create an interface inventory for a brand of your choice. I chose Urban Outfitters because the UI on their website is very interesting and has lots of… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Final Monogram Design

Making refinements After deciding on one of my initial iterations to use going forward, I made a digital version on Illustrator a few weeks ago. After we had a group critique, I decided that the plain black lettering looked quite… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 07 – Brand Guidelines

This week we were tasked with coming up with a set of brand guidelines for a local brand that may not have established them publicly. For this task, I chose to research and build a set of guidelines for an… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Visual Marque Ideas & Refinement

Initial Ideas & Sketches After our lecture on week four about visual identity & drawing, we were asked to start developing ideas for our own visual marque. So I went and quickly sketched out the first ideas that came to… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 05 – 1 Week Branding Project

Tone of Voice: Flavourful Traditional Authentic Italian Classic Home Made   Logo Design:   Physical Touchpoint – a Pizza box:   Digital Touchpoint – App opening screen:   This is the Pizzeria Project PDF file.

IXD103 – Week 05 – 1 Week Branding Project Research

Pizzeria Brand Research I started this project by coming up with the type of pizza brand I wanted to create. I went with a traditional style Italian pizzeria, focused on classic flavours. Brands that came to mind when thinking about… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 05 – Colour Notes

Colour Here are the notes I took during our lecture about colour this week: I also took a screen grab of the colour connotations slides as I thought they would be an important thing to have on hand: I found… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 04 Visual Identity Notes

Visual Identity and Drawing These are the notes I took during this week’s lecture: Overall I really enjoyed this week’s lecture and I loved learning about all the different types of visual marque that a brand may use, and the… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Week 03 – Type, Notes & Tasks

Type In this week’s lecture, Daniel taught us more about type, and how the tone of voice for our brand should be well reflected in our choice of typography. Type communicates a message where the originator is not able to… Continue Reading →

IXD103 – Initial Digital Monogram Design

After deciding on which one of my first iterations to carry forward, I went onto Adobe Illustrator to design it digitally. Here is the result. I took into consideration what Daniel said about changing the spacing a little from my… Continue Reading →

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