Initial Three Screens

For this weeks group critique, we were asked to have our first three screens designed on Figma. I always enjoy this part of the project, because I think it’s really nice to finally see the sketches come to life and take on the style that was chosen for it. I want this app to feel like an enjoyable, and calm experience – unlike that of speaking to a doctor or dietician directly.


Log-in Screen:


I have two options for my log-in screen because I’m not too sure which I prefer right now. I’m going to ask in class, and hopefully my peers can help me decide!


Home Screen:

I’m really happy with how my home screen is looking so far. I don’t know how much I like the symptoms icon, so that will likely change in due course. I also tried to use enough colour to break up the purple a bit, as well as add a bit more fun to the app!


Live Chat Screen:

I also think this screen turned out really well! I have just now realised, though, that the “type a message” piece of text looks strange in the centre like that, so I’ll definitely be budging that to the left! I wanted this to be as similar to chat-boxes that everyone knows well, to avoid any confusion with how to use it. I decided to remove the nav bar from this screen, as well, because it’s not really necessary with the exit button in the top left hand corner.


I really hope to get some good feedback tomorrow, as well as some ideas on how to make the screens I have so far look better or be easier to use.