
This week Daniel showed us examples of business cards and described how we should go about developing our own. The aim of this task was to include some of the elements of our brands that we have worked on so far. He suggested that we put our monogram/wordmark on the back of the cars, then our details on the front.

Looking at Inspiration

I first made a few quick google searches to find some inspiration and saved some images of business cards that stuck out to me.

I particularly liked the more simplistic ones, with the back having a different background colour to the front. I like the idea of my business card staying all monochromatic, in black and white, so I focused on this when coming up with my initial ideas.

The Back:

The Front:

I had quite a few different ideas for the front part of my business card, so here I have included all four iterations:

Idea 1:

This was the first business card I designed. I liked the idea of having two different halves with contrasting backgrounds, however, after looking at it again, I thought it could maybe do without having the monogram on both sides. This was the business card I showed in my group critique, and Daniel suggested having all black text on a white background, to contrast the back of the card. I took this idea into consideration later on.

Idea 2:

I simply added my wordmark to this card and didn’t like it much, but thought it would still be good development to add.

Idea 3:

This time around, I experimented with making the business card more simplistic. I took away the monogram, and added my wordmark to the side instead. I actually really like how clean this design is, and so I took it forward and tried it with a white background instead, like Daniel suggested.

Idea 4:

I swapped the background of the wordmark and other text, as well as making the wordmark slightly larger and more prominent. I think this design will look very nice alongside the back of the card and this is most likely the design I will go ahead with. Although I do still quite like idea 3 as well. Hopefully with some further feedback, the decision will be a little easier.