Creative Futures Week 7

Coming back into week 7 after having the last 3 Fridays off, we were introduced to fundraising, future careers and coming event of the showcase for our groups. As the whole is partaking in either of the two fundraising events which are a pub quiz on animation and a craft fair within the art shop. As I listed my name for the EOYS 2024 role for the craft fair as a event volunteer to help with the public and probably buy stuff there if I see anything and contribute some money for the craft fair.Β Β 

As a class we were discussing about the layout of the lab and which group would be seated using the one table for each group having their poster up as a banner. Since I’m in a group of three people we will be either be in the middle or next to the wall. For the posters we kept working on them as we were experimenting with the colours but only the flats just to test them out. We looked at each others and given feedback on each one so we will be doing thatΒ 


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