Sony Bravia Advertisement 2006

One of my favourite television advertisement is the Sony Bravia 2006 advert titled ‘Paint’ which included 70,000 litres of paint which was environmentally friendly and 622 bottle bombs along with a lot of other equipment. This was for a 60-second advert which cost 2 million pounds to make. The firework display was replaced with liquid that had 1,700 detonators.  The video for making the project work was amazing to see, they only had one chance at it as it was a live art project. The building was soon to be demolished, making it perfect for this. Timing, communication, and placement are all important components to make this work. The most interesting aspect is how the outcome came out with such success and timing. The colours are so vivid and worked perfectly for what the advert intended. This would be an amazing opportunity to be a part of a big team and project and is something I would love to be involved in. This was created and produced by Jonathan Glazer.

Below is a video from YouTube on how the creative process and outcome was planned and produced.

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