Tag: Design

Sony Bravia Advertisement 2006

One of my favourite television advertisement is the Sony Bravia 2006 advert titled ‘Paint’ which included 70,000 litres of paint which was environmentally friendly and 622 bottle bombs along with a lot of other equipment. This was for a 60-second advert which cost 2 million pounds to make. The firework display was replaced with liquid…Continue Reading Sony Bravia Advertisement 2006

Areas of Interest in Graphic Design

When thinking of the future and what I want to do with my degree initially Branding and Advertising are my first interests that I would want to explore. I didn’t really like that side and always thought I would do something regarding typography or print. I always loved doing mixed media and print within my…Continue Reading Areas of Interest in Graphic Design

Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design

I researched Artificial Intelligence for my dissertation this year and found a lot of various information about how this will affect the graphic design field now and in the future. In my opinion, based on research and first-hand experience AI will not replace us humans as graphic designers. Yes, they can do the job to…Continue Reading Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design