Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design

I researched Artificial Intelligence for my dissertation this year and found a lot of various information about how this will affect the graphic design field now and in the future. In my opinion, based on research and first-hand experience AI will not replace us humans as graphic designers. Yes, they can do the job to a certain extent but not with the designer’s mind or artist’s mind in the background controlling it. The problem with AI currently is that it moves so quickly that before you learn about one new thing another new way becomes available. AI can currently help with the research and design development stage by suggesting ideas or taglines, among other things.

Personally, I do think it needs to change in a big way before it even comes close to being as good as humans. There are some ways in which AI websites and programmes can help a small business for example with help creating a logo with a website that does all the designing for you. It is very basic, but it does what you need it to do. Another example is ChatGPT. You can ask this website for ideas, taglines, and facts about a certain theme or topic. It can also help with research by asking questions about what you might need.

The downside to AI is when asked to create an image using keywords which when used for free you are only limited to about 5 words. I decided to do an experiment regarding my dissertation research where I asked my 7-year-old to draw what he read with the 5 words given. I also done the same with an AI image generator. It was clear to see that my 7-year-old son could provide a better image with the 5 keywords compared to the AI website that did not do this so well.

Here are the two images from the AI experiment with my 7-year-old and the AI image generator website.




Below is a link to my final year dissertation on the Impact of AI on Graphic Design.

Yasmin Tierney

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