IxD302 – Week 10 – Proof of Concept and Initial Research

IxD302 – Week 10

Proof of Concept and Initial Research

During week 10, we focused on starting to research the users and seeing if our chosen project was needed/required. We began the week by completing a SWOT analysis of our initial idea. SWOT Analysis enables you to identify your ideas Strengths and Weaknesses, possible Opportunities and potential Threats. It helps you to build on what is doing well, address what you’re lacking, and minimise risks.

I then remembered to focus my attention to the user. For my initial concept, I want to create an app which will assist people who exclude dairy from their diet. For these people, even shopping can be a struggle. I needed to realise all of the struggles from first hand sources. This included myself, as I am dairy free, my uncle and my best friend, who are the same. I interviewed them both and asked them questions on how this idea could help their life. I also asked them for their own idea contributions.

These exercises all made the process of creating my pitch a lot easier.

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