IxD302 – Week 2 – Applying for a Job

IxD302 – Week 2 – Applying for a job

This week we began discussing what we are going to have to do in order for us to be ready to apply for placement roles for 2022/23. Basically we need three things…

  1. CV
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Portfolio

Firstly we discussed the CV. We’ve all made at least one CV before, and before today, I didn’t realise how many mistakes I was making in mine! I think I have it all sussed out now though, so let’s begin planning.

What is a CV?

A CV is a concise, formal document that summarises your education, skills and experience. It should be easily read and referenced and explain who you are.

What should a CV include?

  1. Contact details
  2. A short bio
  3. Skills
  4. Work experience
  5. Education
  6. Awards and additional info
  7. References

All of these I was basically aware of, so now it’s just a matter of collecting all of the positive things about myself, that make me employable. Daniel gave us some little tips on how to make our CV as appealing as possible to potential employers. Make it concise, only including relevant and vital information. Adding page references like : Page 1 of 2 will also be beneficial to ensure no content is missed. SPG is essential, so read it 400 times and then get your dad, your mum, your auntie and the dog to read it!!!! An employer could potentially discard any CV where spelling and punctuation is not perfect! We were also told it’s essential to work backwards. ie. start with most recent achievements / employment etc. Most recent stuff is the most relevant and appealing to employers. Daniel told us to avoid obnoxious competency indicators, be honest, use a limited colour palette (Max 2 colours!), leave white space, choose the right typography (especially important for us designers!!), don’t include a photo, add references who have given permission. It’s also important that you send your CV as a separate document, as well as linking it on your portfolio site and try to tailor your CV to the particular role. These were really useful tips and I now feel ready to start writing my CV.

The Cover Letter…. 

Something which I have never done before this was a cover letter, so this part I paid keen attention too! A cover letter can be defined as…

An introduction for the person receiving your application and a chance to explain to them what has attracted you to their company specifically. It’s also an opportunity to summarise what you’re good at, your experience so far and your aspirations (that align with what the company can offer).

Now for the tips…

Keep it short and simple. Make it personal but still in a professional tone. Be respectful and natural. This will be their first impression of you, so be enthusiastic and SPELL CHECK!!! Keep in in the same style/design as the CV for consistency. If possible, find out a name to address it too.


Today after our lecture we went into the studio and completed a workshop. Basically we each got given a post-it note with a random job title. In our groups, we were asked 20 ‘yes or no’ questions which would help our team mates guess which occupation we had been given. Not only was this a great ice-breaker game for us to get to know people in our class, who we might not have met before because of online learning, but it also helped us understand the importance of knowing the language used to understand the qualities and skills that make up different roles. It definitely got me into the right mindset to help review the qualities and skills I have and should be reflecting through my CV, to come across as a suitable employee.

Getting started…

Our tasks for next week is to begin writing our CVs and covering letters. To get us started Daniel asked us to start by basing it upon one of the roles we researched last week. (Seen here) I decided to start as if I were applying to a role in Disney. I am going to also begin researching unique ways I could present my CV etc. to employers in order to stand out and be remembered. I also need to update my LinkedIn Profile, as I haven’t updated it since last year. One of my goals is to get more connections with people and start building a social network for myself. I think it will be a great way for me to learn and feel inspired by others who share similar interests with me.

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