Wearable Technology – Research

Wearable technology

Wearable technology, also known as “wearables“, is a category of electronic devices that can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing, implanted in the user’s body, or even tattooed on the skin.



It ranges from wearable jewelry eg. rings, watches, body-mounted sensors that monitor and transmit biological data for healthcare purposes. Fitness trackers, often in the form of wristbands or straps that monitor things like physical activity and vital signs. We also have AR, (augmented reality), smart clothing and AI hearing aids. The fast pace at which the use of wearables are becoming available is amazing and the benefits which they are having are instrumented through the growing fitness activity in our country and through doctors who are now able to perform life changing procedures, in a safer manner using wearable tech.

I myself had to give in to purchasing my own piece of wearable tech. I purchased the Apple watch in August and I know already that my motivation to exercise, keep my steps up and even rest properly have increased greatly.



After hearing Kyle’s lecture yesterday about the future of IxD, it got me really excited to think about the possibilities that lay ahead for someone like me. In the future, some of us could be designing for the face of an apple watch. This got me thinking and I wanted to know more. Above you can see my notebook where I jotted down some of my thoughts as well as 11 principles to remember when designing wearables. I noticed that each point is met perfectly in my watch and it shows it as a great example of UI, as I love wearing my watch, never find it irritating and it has glanceable characteristics and everything I might want at the swipe of my finger.

The Human Interface guidelines which are available on the Apple website, gave me a really good insight into how the successfully plan and design the watch. Below you can see how they have a principle to use the same icons as every other apple device, providing familiarity to apple users. There is also a part about the gestures which is very useful to notes.



Obviously, with Apple being one of the worlds most successful technology companies, any advice they share is notable. I will try and replicate their principles to meet the professional standard of work.

Wearable technology is growing, you never know what could come within the year, but I know for one, I am excited to find out. I think that technology is great when utilised properly and when focused on benefitting the standard of living, technology can be used to change the world for the better.

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