Category: Space Observation

Graphic Design- Sketchbook Images

Here i’ve presented my pervious images of Cathedral Quarter into my sketchbook, these images will help influence my design ideas. My initial ideas for this project is to attempt to experiment as much as possible with colour, typography, collage and shapes, which can include shapes of buildings etc.

Graphic Design- Cathedral Quarter Images

These are First-hand images of the Catedral Quarter area, these images are to help influence logo ideas for a live competition. By using thes images i intend on creating various ideas in my sketchboook and to also incorporate these images into my designs.

Graphic Design- Sketchbook Images

These are first-hand images that are presented in my sktchbook which are based on the four Exhibitions i had visted such as the: Cataylst Arts Exhibition, The Mac Gallery, The Golden Thread Gallery and Belfast Exposed. I’ve found that having images presented in my sketchbook is beneficial especially when trying to work on ideas for this project.

Catalyst Arts Exhibition- Observation Sketches

This was another very minimal exhibition based on Catalystr Arts. This was a very spacious area which is an element that i took into consideration when it came to the observation sketches. The main elements that I found interesting was that there was no colour used at all and also the shapes, which is something that would work well within this project.

Golden Thread Gallery- Observation Sketches

Here are a few other observation sketches based on The Golden Thread Gallery. i’ve also included a sketch showing the space surrounding the area, which is a main focus on this inspiring Typograpghy piece. I’ve incorporated a range of other sketches that include different textures, shapes, colour and typographic lettering. I plan on choosing this exhibiton to work on throughout this project.


Mac Gallery- Observation sketches

Here are a few observation sketches based on the space surrounding the art work and the art work itself. I collected a variety of ideas including: colour, scale, shape, form and pattern, which i could then incorporate into my work.