{Week- 10} Lighting & Bakery Lighting


In week 10 we started to practice and learn how to use the lighting part in animation, in class Alec gave some explanations that for me were important as in the Cycle & Eeven part in the rendering part. To practice we had a file where we can do any lighting and get to understand more the styles of lights that Blender contains and what focus the lights get.



To get also a little more practice I tried to add some colours in the light where it gave a small difference in the rendered image. With the lighting tools I had some doubts with the ‘POWER’ part to know how to control the intensity of the lighting that is in the final image but after practicing and seeing the changes of lightness and darkness that is able to understand better.



And the part that I liked the most to work with was the light (Spot and Area) where I could work very well! Getting the lights to adjust very well in each specific can that I wanted to light where the ambient light would not get.



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