Creating a Cover E-mail and Finding Job Listings:

Starting with the research into jobs, I did a lot of research with some ideas I had in mind of areas, but with some research and projects I made sure that the area I would most like to focus on would be the 3D part, particularly speaking modelling and digital sculptures (3D artists).
However, in order to get more experience, I tried to explore other areas that, even though they weren’t my strong point, could be my learning opportunity with new job experiences.


In this search process I used Indeed, which was a great platform for finding jobs as I prepared my CV.



At first, it was a bit difficult to find some jobs because there were so many different areas in animation, some of which I was looking for and some of which I wasn’t. But I had a way of understanding 3D platforming. But with a greater focus on research, seeing some jobs one of the jobs that really caught my eye was at Radical Forge Games, where the work included:



Also, with the help of our tutors, we had some job opportunities that were very helpful for us to apply for, so the areas I was most interested in were, INTERACTIVE STUDY PLACEMENT SCHEME

  1. INCISIV – Trainee 3D Generalist
  2. BillyGoat Entertainment – Trainee 3D Artist
  3. Outlier – Trainee Concept Artist



In the process of researching the job, the aspects that interested me the most were that it was a local Interactive and Video Game companies that worked with the 3D part with creating 3D assets/models, animation/asset pipelines, work closely with technical director to achieve expected visuals, low-poly 3D models, 3D game-ready models, animations or assets for VR environments and other descriptions that the placements and jobs were describing about the jobs that really caught my attention and made me more excited to have my first work experience.



Cover Letter & Email:

After doing some research, I started studying how to make a Cover Letter together with a Cover Email, The cover email is a brief, yet effective, electronic tool designed to convey your interest in a company and/or a position. Your cover email will be three short paragraphs: Introductory paragraph describing why you’re writing; Email body describing how you can add value to the target organization; to have a good cover you need to have the information, Explain why you are applying for the role, Explain why you are interested in the organisation, Highlight any particular selling points within your CV, Explain any additional factors that do not fit easily into your CV,  Mention any specific circumstances you think they need to be aware of

  • Your personal details (e.g. name, address, phone number)
  • The hiring manager’s name (if you have it)
  • Where you found the vacancy
  • Why you’re suitable for the job
  • What you can do for the company
  • Closing statements (including thanking the recruiter for their time)

I’ve also used some examples to help clarify the information in the cover letter.




In this research I’ve made a few choices of emails and written down some ideas for using one of them as the end of the process. For the first few ideas of what to write, I made some basic ideas without any writing style, where I wrote the letters several times, so that I had some options to choose from and improve the information I had put in, making it clearer and more ‘professionally’ informed.



to help me after a process I started to look at some ideas for Cover Letter styles so that I could also improve the visual aspect of the information. To help me with the graphics process, I used Adobe Illustration, which helped me a lot to make the changes.


To help me with the styles, I really liked the more modern style where it was simple but modern and visually clear to see the information.For my Cover Letter, my intention was to provide clear information to make it easier for those who will read the letter.

My Cover Letter:


After some time doing some of the work, I was able to get feedback from my tutor, so I had an idea of how to improve my cover letter and send it to some of the companies I was interested in in 3D modelling.



Final Cover Letter:


Like Alec’s feedback, I didn’t need to change much, just improve a few things and add a few things that could make it look more professional.

Other areas to consider :

To help me prepare for an interview, even though I already knew some of the basics, I researched some important points to make a first impression and to have at the time of the interview.





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