
In the process of doing this module I was very excited about the opportunity to help us in the future in the professional field, at first I was very excited and at the same time nervous because it was a new stage in my professional career, because I had never had an experience like this before precisely in my area that I want to work in, with this (Assignment 3 – Professional Practice & Industry Facing Materials) we had the intention of doing research, to learn how to search for vacancies in companies in the area we wanted to work in, to organise our personal projects or work done in class by doing a more thorough job with more in-depth details about the areas we identify with the most, with this I was able to pronounce myself on the information of the 3D platform specifically 3D Modelling, 3D Character and 3D Props which is particularly the platform of great interest to me. So for the next steps we had the opportunity to do more in-depth research on CV ideas, Portfolios, Showreel and also work on writing our Cover Letter. In the middle of this process I was able to remember some old jobs that I had started but not finalised, so with this opportunity I had time to do some updates and add some old projects and redo them. I thought the module was a great way to remind us of old projects and to be able to observe our evolution over the years so that we could clarify our evolution with professionals, even though they were simple projects, but with adjustments and new ideas for updates they were visually much better.

When making my CV document, I started by doing a lot of research into jobs and job opportunities in my field of 3D modelling / 3D animation, which were my first specific job ideas. I tried to look for a CV designer that best matched my personality, my projects and my personal profile, but I confess that all of this made me a little worried with so much information that I had to research and have an idea of how it would be delivered visually, so even with all these emotions at the same time, I was a little excited to start with the first CV ideas that I was going to make before I started applying. To start writing my CV, I researched various different styles and ideals that best showed my personality, so the style I liked best was the minimalist designer, and then I prepared the information that I thought was most important and the data that would be interesting to the reader. When writing my CV, I had to try to find some jobs on job search platforms that would help me better understand where I wanted to work. In my research I was able to open up more options for work and I was able to obtain more data that I didn’t have much knowledge of, in my mind there was only one specific job in animation, but as the research went on I learnt that there are many different focuses. After this process I began to prepare my CV and Portfolio, to organise my projects I used the applications, Artstation, which allowed me to organise the progress of my projects and upload images with good quality, Wix where I learned to use this platform very easily to promote my work on this platform I was able to create a personal website with my updates in a more modern, clear way and sketchfab which I used to show our 360 modelling; to create the portfolio, CV and also the Showreel I didn’t have many problems or difficulties it was very easy to go through this stage of the module, I felt very satisfied with the work I had to learn to do and one of them that made me more excited was the opportunity we had to use our own styles in the portfolio, CV, showreel and in the cover letter where a greater encouragement in that tension that this module left at the beginning, even though I didn’t have many problems in the organisation and creation of the files along the way of creating the files I had some problems that were only at the beginning of using to start to understand how to use the applications one of them that made me have a long time was the Wix application where I was using to create my website, at the beginning I had a long time with the part of distributing the information that I wanted to add in the publication but with the help of some tutorials of guides I managed to solve and have a result that I liked a lot!

Then, with the next steps, what left me the most confused was the process of making the showreel where I had to work more with the video editing part and select some works that were the best to be published and classified as the showreel so in this process I had some doubts to get editing ideals that were not very much my strong point, but with the help of some tutorials I was able to get to the end of my Showreel in a way that I felt very satisfied with, also the Cover Letter was a more complex barrier to make because it was made in a more professional style where my idea was to convey a more formal way of explaining my work in this part I had difficulties and a little fear because it is an important part and very challenging as for a student leaving the student branch to a professional market area!

However, even though there were some moments when I had some difficulties and many doubts, I managed to have a great learning experience, where there were new challenges that I had to go through because I was not born in another country, having the opportunity to understand the field of work in a different country with a different culture was very exciting, but also challenging, where for me the point that worried me the most was the language, but with a lot of help from my tutors in class giving their feedback on my projects being attentive and understanding I had a very good experience in making my work known at home, and having the pleasure of creating and putting in order all my data to be sent with more professionalism even though I didn’t have many subjects to say but with a lot of effort and reading different references I managed to prepare good and professional disclosures of my projects. Mesmo com todas as experiencias que eu pude ter nesse modulo Professional Practice & Industry Facing Materials , foi uma experiência muito boa para ja nos ensinar e conseguiu me dar a oportunidade de nos ensinar a ariscar e ter a atitude profissional mostrando nossos projetos arriscando nos designes que gostaríamos de fornecer e principalmente entender como as companhias as grandes companhias trabalham com os contratados. Neste modulo em particular foi o que mais me fez pensar no futuro 3D Artist profissional e me fazem querem mais e mais uma trabalho na plataforma que eu gostaria de fazer futuramente, com as partes de produzir um CV, Portifolio, Showreel e um Cover Letter juntando com várias pesquisas que trabalhos que poderíamos aplicar consegui mais me identificar e entender o que mais sou encantada na area de 3D assim ter mais vontade de me aperfeiçoar e aprender muito mais nessa área maravilhas 3D e principalmente minha dicção, formas de repostar numa entrevista e uma postura mais profissional numa entrevista mas com bastante pratica espero melhorar nos meus erros e assim conseguir ter uma oportunidade de trabalhos para ter mais experiencas que iram me ajudar futuramente, estou bem ansiosa para os próximos passos e com as técnicas que poderei adquirir com os trabalhos nas companhias. 


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