Week {Easter Holiday}

During Easter week we had the opportunity to stay off for two weeks where we had the chance to practice more on the animation part.



In the week that we had at home our group started to plan when would be the days that we would be getting in contact with you where we would talk about the process and some problems that we were having.

So we decided that our meeting would be on Thursday, when I would be off work and everyone would be free to talk, at this meeting Joyce started already dividing and with everyone’s opinion we started to select each part that we were going to do in the animation clips. I was responsible for the 2nd part of the clip where I thought it would be fun to do!



Rig- Cupcake

Before starting to make the animation our group had to finish the rigging of each character. In the cupcake I had some difficulties in (Join) the shape with the skeleton in each part of the character, so I had many attempts to get to the end, I tried many ways also watching tutorials that could help me but I couldn’t understand anything yet but after long hours of trying the rig that worked best and had a good job on my character was in Mike’s (square) tutorials.


Mike Tutorial




Before I started making the animation I got some feedback from Alec where he gave me an opinion that I should make some movements in the cherry of the cupcake where it was too simple and put more emotion in the cherry so I made another test of movements with the cupcake jumping and the cherry also moving coming out of the top of the cupcake.



Making this rig module I had a lot of difficulty for being the first time using these new techniques that were taught and commands that I had to pay more attention to, but even this way with some problems I enjoyed making the animation.


Beginning of the animation:

In the animation part I had some difficulties in the beginning with the (Donut) in the rig part where it showed a little delay and some problems for the movements. Because of the little time I had I ended up having to make little disguises to disguise a little on the timeline the movements of the donut.

After I made a test on my part of the animation I was still in doubt if it was good, so I showed it to my group where Jessica gave me an idea to change a little the position of the cameras and let them focus more on the characters and their movements







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