Category: Coursework 02

AAD011 Case Studies – 08/05/23

I have already submitted my presentation to the drop box, so I can’t add any new documents, and instead I’ve put all my case studies into one blog post for easier viewing.

Order – Sustainability, Identity, Aesthetic, Place, Innovation, Gender

AAD011 Sustainability Case Study

AAD011 Identity Case Study

AAD011 Aesthetic Case Study

AAD011 Place Case Study

AAD011 Innovation Case Study

AAD011 Gender Case Study


AAD011 Presentation – 13/04/23

racism in children’s books pdf

racism in children’s books

bibliography presentation

I wanted to include a pdf bibliography instead of just on the slides as I referenced a lot of different sources that I wanted to credit and I had to squeeze into tiny text on the slideshow

presentation research

10 ways to analyse children’s books for racism and sexism


these are the images that I used for my presentation, including the graph that I made and the rough version from where I collected the data.