Category: AAD011

AAD011 Case Studies – 08/05/23

I have already submitted my presentation to the drop box, so I can’t add any new documents, and instead I’ve put all my case studies into one blog post for easier viewing.

Order – Sustainability, Identity, Aesthetic, Place, Innovation, Gender

AAD011 Sustainability Case Study

AAD011 Identity Case Study

AAD011 Aesthetic Case Study

AAD011 Place Case Study

AAD011 Innovation Case Study

AAD011 Gender Case Study


AAD011 Presentation – 13/04/23

racism in children’s books pdf

racism in children’s books

bibliography presentation

I wanted to include a pdf bibliography instead of just on the slides as I referenced a lot of different sources that I wanted to credit and I had to squeeze into tiny text on the slideshow

presentation research

10 ways to analyse children’s books for racism and sexism


these are the images that I used for my presentation, including the graph that I made and the rough version from where I collected the data.


Essay Proposal Question – 05/02/23

I am interested in the sustainability side of art, questioning how much waste is created and how we can create a more sustainable practice. If creating a painting, do we have a responsibility to use environmentally friendly paints? If a fashion garment is created, are the textiles second hand or ethically sourced? If we use our fashion choices as art, does buying from unethical companies mean we support their practices? If we are creating a temporary art piece, what will happen to the materials after it is disposed? Is the responsibility on the artist or the corporations that produce lifetimes worth of emissions? Does thinking more sustainably allow for artists to become more creative and rethink approaches.

Final question – ‘what is the role of sustainability in art?’