Posted in Animation Studio

Week 5: character

This week’s focus was on character design.

in class

We were tasked with taking simple shapes and blobs then transforming it into characters.

Some of these I actually really like and others need some workshopping to say the least.

This tasked really helped me to think about silhouettes of a character and how that really informs how the viewer sees the character.


main character design

Drawing younger childish characters doesn’t come naturally for me so I looked at how other people created child characters.

Before I started I looked into some resources on how to design characters with more focus on child characters.

Someone in the group mentioned in the discord about looking to the galaxy of adventure series for the visual style so I tried to look into how child/younger characters were done in that style and came up with this.


It needs a lot of revisions but for a rough sketch it gives me a base to work off.

 For this design my main inspiration were the villagers in the animal crossing series

Rough expression sheet based on the last character design with colour



I used the character Haku as inspiration for this design, I like how it is more dragon like but it is too cutesy.

For the above design I looked to the classic lego dragon as inspiration for the head shape while still considering the look of the horned snake.

I added colour to one of my previous dragon sketches. I like this but the brown didn’t really work out.

The group divided up all the parts and this is the one I was given


-Emcee makes it out of the cave.

-The cave entrance collapses, trapping the dragon and saving Emcee

-Emcee breathes a sigh of relief and looks at the egg. It starts to crack

Character Info Sheet

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