Posted in animation strategies

walk/run reflection

Overall I am pretty happy with how my work turned out this module.

I definitely still struggle with timing still but I feel like this module has helped me improve a lot in that aspect. I think if I was to do this again I would try to experiment with the graph editor in Blender more to make the movement less robotic. I didn’t do it as much this time as it got really visually confusing to see what went where.

I would also pay more attention to keeping all body parts on model in the 2d section as I found as the loop played the body parts seemed to be changing in size rather than staying the same. I think this is something I just need to practise animating stuff on model along with things like changing perspective in the face.

The secondary action was something I struggled with the most. The hair in the run and the walk don’t look right still even after going back over them but this is another thing I need to keep working on. The clothing movement isn’t great either but the mistakes in it aren’t as noticeable as the hair.

I think in future I am going to try to create my own references rather than searching for them online as that didn’t help me get the results I wanted.