CV Redesigned

From the critic and feedback I received from Daniel, I made changes to my Cv and Cover Letter.

I redesigned my CV and Cover letter using Adobe Indesign as it was appropriate and made it more professional. It shows off to employers my design skills.

Frist thing I went to print and choose the A4 document as it was appropriate. Then I clicked on layout then margins and Columns to use as guideline for content. I felt this was good way to help me structure my work and keep it professional.

When I added in my content and made sure I kept the typeface, sizing and alignment consistent. I used Bold font were necessary to emphasise the section and information. I took out the hobbies and interests as well as some irrelevant content. I decided to add in a bit about skills which I thought would be important.

I wanted to keep my overall design and layout simple but effective. I didn’t want my design to take away from my overall content. I made sure to use white space were necessary as it helped make it appealing.


I am happy with how my CV and Cover letter looked in the end result. It definitely is a huge improvement from my original ones on word. I hope this will interest and attract any potential employers who may look to hire me as I’m currently on a look out for placement jobs for next year.

Here is Images of both Documents

Below I have attached both Documents.

Cover Letter-FinTrU


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