Usability Testing (IXD303)

Usability Testing

In order to make sure my Healthcare App meet the needs of clients, I wanted to test my app out on 2 Users. My Frist user was a carer and the second was a family member.

I wanted to find out if they could easily navigate their way around my app and really find out their overall user experience when using this app. So I showed them the my prototype on the laptop and ask them both specific questions which I recorded and later typed up their responses in blue text and uploaded them as a PDF document which you can view below.

Feedback on Community Care App Family Member

Feedback on Community Care App Carer

Both the carer and family member were able to find information easily and both were happy with the size of text and the information was presented clearly.

The carer particularly liked the tick boxes for caring duties as she reported to me they have a certain amount of time with each services user and using the tick box method of recording would save time having to record these on the sheet of paper. The carer told me they use the word service user instead of patient so I’ll go back and change the wording.

The carer has suggested that I included a screen for carers so they can select the patient whos record and care plans they want access to. This screen and records is only avilable to carers. So when a carer visits a service users home all they have to do is scroll down and select the name so they have access to all the information needed for the service user at a touch of a button.  This means the carer has more time to spend time chatting with the service user.

On further comments. The carer felt a comment box would be useful to recording extra information on the service user. The family member also liked the idea of the comment box so they can let the carer know with they have an appointment or info.

The carer wasn’t sure how to get back to the previous screen. She she just pressed the home button.

Following on from the user testing I got some postive and helpful feedback from the clients. I listened to what they had to say and will use this to make the final updates and improvements that are nesscary.


This was very important I completed the Usability testing from the users as I was able to find out their overall thoughts and opinions. I wanted to make sure it user friendly and they had a pleasent user experience. I was happy to take on this feedback as I wanted to further improve my app and make sure my final verision is the best verision I could produce.


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