Updating my HealthCare App

Updating my Healthcare App


Since the Critique session in week 11 I made some updated and changes to my Healthapp following on the feedback I recieved from Paul and my classes mates. I think these changes have enhanced the app in it’s overall layout and style. It looks more professional and makes it easy to read for the users.

When designing this I made sure I used an appriotate font choice and colour, the colour scheme fitted with my theme. I wanted to make sure my buttons and content were kept consistent throughout my whole app.

I updated my logo and wordmark on the loading screen to a white text with a heart above the letter I. I also had a heart coming out of the chimney. which was suggested by someone in my class. I am pleased with how my loading screen looks.

Someone also suggested making the footer section and logo icon smaller to the same size as footer which I did and I agree it worked well.

I also corrected any spelling and sizing errors i made had and I also wanted to keep the layout and content aligned so I took time to do this.

I have taken onboard what the carer suggested and changed the word patient on each screen to service user.

I wanted to change to add some extra screens as well in the app. I took on what the carer has suggested an extra screen after the carer logs in. This screen is only avilable to the carers. It enables them to click on the name of service user they are visiting. So they can find their information quickly and carry out their caring duties.

I have added a comment box at the bottom of the tick box caring duties screen. This enable the carer to record observations they may is important to know.

I have also included a comment box for the family member to comment on. “For example to let the carer know they have appointment with diabetic nurse on Thursday”


Overall I am happy with my updated app and I hope this app will be useful for carers, the patient and their family members to use and meets their requirements.

As family member said “I think it is a great idea to set up an app whcih shows a great model of carer for the service use. A paternership between family and Communicty Care for the benfit of family member-(my mum). How great is that!!”

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