Healthcare Research- NHS

At the beginning stages of this project’s research I decided to keep things purposefully vague for myself and focus on all aspects of the healthcare industry. I felt I had problems with previous projects on getting tunnel vision and focusing on the product I wanted to make instead of letting the research bring me to the best solution.

We were put into research groups this week and this will help us research different aspects of the industry and cover a broader range of topics that if the research had been done completely individually.

My research group consists of 5 people including myself. We created a group chat to communicate what we should do and I created a miro board that we could all join and post about our research.

This is what our board looks like currently. The mind map shows some possible routes for further research and under this we have links in post-it notes with useful articles.

One of the articles I found very useful was this article talking about the problems the NHS is facing currently. The article talks about the understaffing problems and the increased stress of staff, along with less annual budget increases being put towards the NHS than ever before in recent years. Waiting times and and the problems with out ageing population were also brought up in the article. This gave me some ideas which I can further brainstorm from to develop solutions. I created a mind map template on miro and added my current thoughts.

Hopefully this will be added to with other thoughts and ideas the rest of my group have. Individually I looked into some trends in the healthcare industry. For this I used a pdf of a paper written by Deloitte.

From this I created my own mind map with some thoughts on solutions.

This is the research I have conducted for this week and next week I will focus on some other sectors of the healthcare industry.


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