Morning Class:

At the start of today’s class we participated in a quiz on menti about the previous videos that we were told to watch for this session. Caither came first, Neave second and I DON’T WANNA BE A WATERMELON was third!!!


After that we were told to watch the second part of the series of videos that we watched before this class.


—Video 7 —


This covers how to add landmass to the plane and what each brush looks like when applied to the environment.


—Video 8 —

We were shown how to add a material to the landscape and how to use the nodes to make the textures blend together.


—Video 9 —

This showed how to paint the materials onto the landscape and how to scale the size of the material to better match the size of the environment.


—Video 10 —

This video explained how to randomise trees and grass brushes and how to add rocks.


Afternoon Class:

This afternoon, more videos were uploaded to Blackboard that we need to watch. We were then tasked with blocking out our observatory environment.



Homework :

For homework we were tasked with creating a presentation based on the work which we have created for assignment 1.


Assignment 1 :

This week I created a few colour palette studies using some of my thumbnails, a floor plan of what I wanted my environment to look like and finished  blocking out the environment.

 All of this was added to the presentation alongside a list of what props that need to be made for everyone’s environment and a table that showed what everyone will be making.

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