
The Easter break has ended.   D-:<

For class we were tasked with working through the videos uploaded onto Blackboard.



—Video 1: Overview + Setting up the Scene—

Scaled and repositioned the head. Added the head to a layer and made the head ‘Live’.


—Video 2: Mouth Area Retopology—

To begin I turned on the symmetry for the ‘x-axis’ and turned on the ‘Quad Draw’ tool. I began by drawing a trapezium at the corner of the mouth.


I added more quads around the upper lip and repeated for the bottom lip. I refined the shape to better match the lips, being careful not to merge the points.


I then added more quads around the mouth and added an extra loop to define the underside of the lip. Added even more quads and began to relax some of the polygons around the mouth.


Added more quads around the mouth and shaped it under the nose. Then added more quads around and over the nose.


—Video 3: Eyes Area Retopology—

Added a ring of quads around the eye and avoided the eyelid. Then I refined the shape to match the eye and added the eyelid. Added an edge loop to the eyelid.


Next I added more rings of quads around the eyes and created a mask shape around the eyes, starting at the top between the eyes.


I then connected the mouth and eyes and relaxed the points.


—Video 4: Adding loops + Nose Retopology—

I turned the polysurface into a layer and added some edge loops. Then I turned off ‘live’ mode and the head model, deleted some of the edges and used the multicut tool to create a vertex.


Next I selected the vertices needed and clicked ‘Connect’ and added another vertex using the multicut tool and connected the points. Repeated the same process for the top of the brow area.


I created a ring of quads around the nostrils, connected the nostrils together and connected the quads to make the inside of the nostril.


I then extruded the inside of the nostril to add more detail.




Homework/Assignment 2:

For homework we were tasked with completing the videos posted on Blackboard.


—Video 5: Adjustments + Head & Neck Retopology—

I adjusted the flow of the polysurface by adding more quads, added more quads along the top of the brow and added more lines of quads for the top of the head.


Next I added some quads towards the ears and around them. I connected the quads at the back of the head and continued up the back of the head.


I continued the quads along the underside of the face and down the neck. Next I began to add quads to the top of the head and brought the quads down the neck a bit farther.


—Video 6: Ear Retopology—

I created a ring of quads around the ear and connected it to the head, added quads to make the shape of the ear and created a ‘y’ shape on the inside of the ear.


Next I connected the ear pieces together, added another ring of quads around the back of the ear and connected the ear to the head.


Finished head.




Assignment 2

This week I focused on blocking out my model before Tuesday the 20th as I have a meeting with Michael and I want to gain as much feedback as possible.





—Meeting with Michael—

On the 20th of April at 12:30 I had my meeting with Michael. I found it to be really helpful as he gave me advice on how to make parts of my model and some easier methods to try when modelling.

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