
This week during class we were tasked with following the video tutorials that Alec provided.


—Exercise 01 – Hard Surface Model to Sketchfab—

In this video we were shown how to upload a model and texture on to Sketchfab. We were provided with the ‘hard surface model’ from last week and uploaded it to Sketchfab. I clicked on the ‘edit 3D settings’ button to start adding the textures to the model.

I clicked on the ‘materials’ tab and uploaded the textures, selected the base colour, the metalness, the specular, the roughness and the normal.

You can adjust the model a lot in the ‘Post Processing Filters’. After you’re done you click the ‘save settings’ button and click the ‘publish’ button. When it comes to submitting your modelling assignment use the share link provided.



—Exercise 2- Sword Model to Sketchfab—

For this exercise we were tasked with cleaning up the provided model.


—Video 1—

The first task was to delete the history of the model and rearrange the files in the ‘outliner’ tab. After that I clicked on the ‘windows’ tab then ‘rendering editors’ and finally ‘hypershade’.


I then selected all the green ‘jade’ pieces, went into hypershade and assigned all the selected pieces to the first material. I deleted the duplicates of the green material and renamed the material to ‘Jade_Mat’. Repeated the same process for the gold material. 


I deleted the ‘phong1’ texture as it wasn’t being used for anything, renamed the ‘phong2’ material and the green material. Finally I froze the transformations of the model and exported it.


At this point SketchFab went down so we all just reviewed the models that we made for  assignment 1.



Homework/Assignment 1:

For homework we were tasked with finishing the video tutorials and continuing work on our 3D models for assignment 1.


—Exercise 2- Sword Model to Sketchfab—

—Video 2—

I uploaded the sword onto Sketchfab, clicked on the ‘materials’ tab and selected the ‘Wood_Mat’ material.



After I  imported the ‘Wood.jpg’ as the base colour and for the gold pieces I used a murky yellow as the ‘base colour’, adjusted the specular colour and value and increased the glossiness value.


For the jade pieces I altered the settings on the ‘opacity’ tab and made adjustments to other settings until I was happy with it. For the details I used a light yellow colour and adjusted the roughness.


—Video 3—

In this video we were shown how to change the background, adjust the lighting and add ground shadows in Sketchfab. The ‘Post Production Filters’ tab is usually used after to further adjust the model and the environment it is in.



Assignment 1 : Wand Modelling

For this week I focused on texturing and rendering my model. I wanted to get the model as close to finished as possible as the deadline is coming very soon. I also had a meeting with Michael this week.


—Meeting with Michael—

On the 1st of March at 12:30 I had my meeting with Michael. I found it to be very beneficial as he showed me some tips and tricks to speed up my workflow and what is normally done in the industry. By this point I had my model up on Sketchfab and he liked my texturing!  : -D

He showed me:

– how to make the cogs quicker

– that ‘Shift + D’ allows you to duplicate a selected piece of the model and its transformations. This could have been used for my spikes.

– showed how to make a model retain its sharp edges using the ‘harden and soften’ tool. Also could use a ‘control edge’ to keep the edges sharper.


Final Thoughts:

I found the meeting with Michael to be very beneficial and will definitely be using some of the tips that he told me in my future models. I am also very happy with my model and the progress I have made.

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