UX Designer

Tag feedback

IXD304 – Apollo Wireframes

Sketches After reviewing other immersive websites, and creating my style tile, I know what kind of art direction that I want to follow. I have the colours and typography that I want to use, as well as knowing what imagery… Continue Reading →

IXD301 – Week 12 – Final Crit

Elements Project Group Critique   This week we did one final group critique on our elements projects before we break off for Christmas. Kyle had us post our prototypes so far into a Miro board, where he gave verbal feedback… Continue Reading →

IXD301 – Element Project – Feedback

The Story so Far   This week Kyle gave us some feedback on our element projects so far. I showed him my project so far, as well as my brand guidelines and design system. From this, I got some really… Continue Reading →

IXD301 – Week 07 – Final Portfolio Crit

Final Feedback on the Site   Now that we’ve started building our sites, Kyle asked us to have our home page, a case study page, and our about/contact pages finished to showcase in class this week.   Feedback I received:… Continue Reading →

IXD302 – Week 05

CV and Cover Letter Critique   This week, Daniel looked over the first drafts of our CVs and cover letters, then gave us some feedback. Daniel also quickly showed us, at the start, how he would lay out a CV… Continue Reading →

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