UX Designer

Tag competitor analysis

IXD303 – Competitor Analysis

Conducting Some Competitor Analyses Before I start to plan my project, it’s good practise to conduct a competitor analysis and see what other related apps are doing. I downloaded a few different IBS apps to have a look at. These… Continue Reading →

IXD302 – Competitor Analysis

Investor Pitch – Competitor Analysis As mentioned in my SWOT analysis, I had already taken a look on the app-store to try and find some apps that are similar to the one I planned to pitch. I couldn’t find any… Continue Reading →

IXD301 – Elements Project Competitor Analysis

Conducting Competitor Analysis   After conducting my user research, I decided to move on to some competitor analysis. I want my app to be an educational game that makes it fun for the children to learn about the periodic table…. Continue Reading →

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