Researching Design Methods


This week we had an introduction of the new module – Designing User Experiences.

Paul went through what we will be looking at in this module, as well as our deadlines. We also did a quick brainstorm as a class to come up with a few different topics that we could base our digital product on. After this, we looked at what UX really is, and went through a couple laws of UX. Paul suggested that we have a look at to explore a wider range of laws, and learn more about them. I will do that this week alongside my group research, and include a blog post of my findings.

At the end of class, Paul told us that he wants us to look into three design models to begin our research on UX design. These models are:

  • Design Council Double Diamond
  • HCD Methodology (IDEO)
  • Stanford d.School


The Brief

The brief is to create a digital product for the healthcare sector. The good thing about this brief is that it’s very broad, so we have a lot of different options and routes to explore.

When creating this product, we should think about:

  • Who is it aimed at?
  • Are you targeting professionals? If so, who? Nurses? Surgeons? Or are you targeting the public? Parents, children etc.
  • What age are they?
  • Where are they?
  • Do they have access to digital devices?
  • What will your product do?


Class Brainstorm:

Here is a photo I took of the whiteboard that we did our brainstorm on:




I thought this lecture was a great start to our new module – and with these questions in mind, I feel like I will be able to confidently come up with a solution. I’m glad this brief is so broad, so I can really explore different ideas, and have the opportunity to try and come up with something new and unique.

I am really looking forward to learning more about UX design, and being able to progress as a UX designer.