Narrative & Storytelling


This week Kyle gave us an introduction to our new module, and broke it down for us.

We were told deadlines, how much each deliverable is worth, and what exactly we will be producing for each of the two deliverables.



Examining how storytelling can be used to enhance content.

How concepts like art direction, pacing & narrative can be used to control the flow of information.

Narrative and storytelling are the backbones of interaction.


The Brief

Apollo Space Program:

Weeks 1-6 we will create a prototype with lots of visual design and interactions.

Weeks 7-12 we will build a website or digital publication which will include beautiful web type.


Kyles Website Re-Build

Kyle then went on to show us his process from when he re-built his website. I found this to be very interesting to see, and I’m sure it’ll be a great help moving forward with this module.

I want to be able to follow a process similar to this when building my prototype and website/digital publication.



We were also given the task of creating our own moodboards for next week.

These should include imagery, typography, colours & layouts that we liked from space-related media. We were given some film suggestions to watch in order to get some inspiration for this, as well as to gain a deeper understanding of the topic for this module.



I am really looking forward to this module, as I love space and think I will really enjoy creating the products involved. I also have the perfect excuse to watch as many space movies and documentaries as I want over the next couple of weeks!