Week 4: The HTMLs and CSSs
This week kyle covered the basics of HTML and CSS again in class, on this day I was STILL in Italy and probably running from the tornado that hit the competition.
I have worked extensively with HTML and CSS and have a coding background. A lot of this was a recap of things I previously knew.
What was covered(HTML):
- Responsive styling
- HTML elements
- HTML attributes
- images
- links
- file paths
- and how to set up a project properly.
I already have a decent depth of knowledge on these topics as you can see in my Github.
What was covered (CSS):
- linking style sheets
- box model
- selectors
- classes
- ID’s
What I Learnt:
I used this week as a recap and to check whether there was anything that I had forgotten/missed when I taught myself CSS and HTML. It was useful to have a look at old material and I found myself looking through the code of my old projects on GitHub to see how I did things. I definitely think if I were to code more I would do things differently and avoid repetition and “messy” code.
Kyle referenced a good book on responsive webs design,
-Responsive Web Design (Brief Books for People Who Make Websites, No. 4)
I have purchased this and will post a book review soon, and possibly some tasks and code-related.