Major Project Week 5 Tutorials


I had successfully re-done the arc movement for the boy in his rough animation with the detailed background and fixed the timing of the head as it seemed to fast for it’s pace of moving. Since it is in the rough stage I will focus on other animations at the moment with more sketches of the backgrounds to aid Dylan so we have backgrounds to animate our scenes.Β 


Here are some backgrounds sketch’s I’ve done for certain shots using my storyboard for the project as reference and Dylan’s completed room view for the boy’s bedroom and the hallway to the living room using Krita. They are only sketches nothing too detailed yet but there to hep animate future scenes.Β 


Creative Futures Week 4


Taking the next three Fridays off, give us time to go over our final sketches that each us of picked out and did from the previous week on doing 2 designs and narrowing it down to one. For it will be next week that we will pick one of own and go for that design for our horror/thriller short movie poster.Β 

Here is my final sketch before our voting next week.

Major Project Week 4 Tutorials


This week Sarah wasn’t present but showed progress on her previs of the monster waving. As for me and Dylan showed our progress on our progress. For my animation with the one included on this page has too have a proper arc with the head moving and more exaggeration with the examples I looked online for reference. As for the animated shots as we have problems lacking behind certain backgrounds, my role now is too sketch concept art of the rooms from different perspectives and sides to help with the animation process with Dylan so can up our speed with the background shots.Β 

Here is the animation I had worked on and what I need to improve. I looked examples online by Gifs, YouTube videos and Websites to aid me with my improvements for the 2D animation with the boy head turn before next week.

Chapter 1 Basic Principles - Internet Environments for Science Education [Book]


Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Head Turn | Envato Tuts+ (

head turn with arc




Head Turn Animation :: Behance

Animation Practice - Head Turn - Image Propeller Studios


Creative Futures Week 3 CV, BC, DD and CL

Posters, CV’s, Business Cards, Design Decks and Cover Letters

We went deeper into CV’s, Business cards, Design decks and cover letters for the future of our employability. During Henrys lesson all I could think of was working on certain areas to help improve my employability. Like for our major project we had to create posters for short film, then think about how we will present our work to the audience. As well as our updated versions of our CV’s cover letters and optional business cards. It gave me thoughts on on recreating my logo on my CV and updating it this year 2024.Β 

Our group continued onward with our poster designs by narrowing them down from 2 to 1 with our own sketches and sharing them with each other to find out which design will we go for. Since we are off the next 3 Fridays, we will take this time to focus on our poster and how we will present our work to our future employers.Β Β 

Major Project Week 3 Tutorials

Tutorials one to one

Unfortunately, I was absent that day but still submitted my first rough one one shot with Dylan’s background of the Boy’s room with the boy looking around from left to right from the sound coming from outside which wakes him up.Β Here is my first rough to test out the background with the boy on the bed lifting his upper body with his hands on the cover.


Aodhan gave pointers on my rough and how the head turn was a bit too fast and needed a proper arc for the head with a bit of exaggeration to sell it. So I took what he said and tried out a new scene with a arc as an example to see if would look better this time before moving on to the next scene.Β 


Creative Futures Week 2 Poster Designs

Poster Design and Workshop

The second week of creative futures took us in the direction of the major project which includes creating our own poster designs for our short film and show it off to our future employers from countless businesses. Henry talked about Design thinking and why it is significant for us to have a poster for our short film with the concept, contrast, hierarchy and grid.Β  As well as getting an emotional response from it’s viewers to have a conscious level of it with the positive design from viewing the poster and editing it in a proper layout and design.Β 

Our tasks for the creature future was to draw concept posters, 3 each on what our poster for our short horror/thriller film be. Sarah, Dylan and I had drawn concept art designs and our short film and try to narrow it down to one.Β 

Major Project Week 2 Group Tutorials

Group TutorialsΒ 

For this weeks progress after completing our presentation assignment last week, I had updated our asset list on Miro for Dylan to add certain 2D assets in each room and other assets that are optional for the short film itself to make it real life setting. I also updated the animatic from one of the shorts that needed to be changed for Sarah to edit finally fixing and improving minor mistakes before animating. The rough I did with Sarah needs a little work as we await for Sarah to finish her sculpting and her previs to be animated and done by the end of the week.Β 

My plan before next Tuesday is to continue animating other scenes which Dylan has given me one background to do but only with one shot where the boy looks around the room when he hears a strange noise in rough animation. I will continue chatting with the group two times a week before and after classes and watch videos to help with my animation process for the weeks ahead so I know where I’m at.


Creative Futures Semester 2 Week 1 Module Introduction

Module Introduction

This Friday’s class introduced us to creative futures which will help with future employment during our major project short films which will be for the end of the year show once we graduate afterwards. We were informed of our assignment for this semester which will take place after our finalised major project, giving us this time for Fridays to make poster, banners, showcase our work and how we will present to our future employers from our chosen platforms.Β 

To give us time to update our arts and creations on multiple platforms to showcase our CV’s, showreels and portfolios near the end of semester 2. Near the end of the lesson I had discussed with other team members about our short film and creating a poster for it. We each had a task of designing 3 sketches of what our poster could look like to represent our horror thriller film by collecting inspirations and references which follow the same formula with our plot. We used to gather references and inspirations including other short films to help with our short film pipeline.Β 


Major Project Semester 2 Week 1 Production Presentation.

During the Christmas break and January month, I continued onward with my work and finished my animatic featuring the middle and end scenes to collaborate with Sarah’s Intro which was then completed. Afterwards we held a call meeting after the Christmas holidays to see where we were at with progress with our production. There had been some issues with one of our team members not finishing with their dissertation. For me I had to wait patiently for Sarah finishing up the layout of the 3D environment then I could animate the one scene which includes the boy waving at the beast and the beast waves back at him. While being patient I had looked at tutorials on YouTube to see any simple techniques or tips for hand waving and how to make it look smooth before I start animating my rough with the 3D backgrounds.


We then presented our production presentation to our lecturers Aodhan and Sarah with the work we had done over Christmas and the rest of January. We included a list on what we had done, assets for the environment, character sheets, the cabin, animatic, first rough test and updated schedule. We received their feedback/opinions on the presentation since we have made so much progress from our last stage in the pre production. There was some minor mistakes that we can improve and add on before fully animating for the weeks ahead but it was an overall success and better than the last two presentations. We have our destinated roles these months so we can continue on with production to our post-production.Β 

Here is what I had contributed to the presentation as well as setting up the slides and text for my teammates and my own:


Animation Dissertation/Report Tutorials Week 12

Tutorial one to one

My last talk for the Dissertation/Report module this semester before next week’s assignment submission for Friday 22ndΒ December. I had my talk with Yuan this week for how far I have done for my Dissertation in fact I had finished the next chapters 3 and 4 and done the conclusion in the end while proofreading my work. Once I had my talk with Yuan, she mentioned the sub headings should be typed as chapters not sections and the main title should be a bit more academic but brief. Movies and tv shows should not have quotation marks and the their year release instead have the italic font and the year mentioned once if it has been mentioned once before. Also capital letters to movie and tv show titles if the wording is long. Th last chapter title should be changed to a case study and finally to change the format to meet it’s requirements for submission.Β 

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