Major Project Semester 2 Week 1 Production Presentation.

During the Christmas break and January month, I continued onward with my work and finished my animatic featuring the middle and end scenes to collaborate with Sarah’s Intro which was then completed. Afterwards we held a call meeting after the Christmas holidays to see where we were at with progress with our production. There had been some issues with one of our team members not finishing with their dissertation. For me I had to wait patiently for Sarah finishing up the layout of the 3D environment then I could animate the one scene which includes the boy waving at the beast and the beast waves back at him. While being patient I had looked at tutorials on YouTube to see any simple techniques or tips for hand waving and how to make it look smooth before I start animating my rough with the 3D backgrounds.


We then presented our production presentation to our lecturers Aodhan and Sarah with the work we had done over Christmas and the rest of January. We included a list on what we had done, assets for the environment, character sheets, the cabin, animatic, first rough test and updated schedule. We received their feedback/opinions on the presentation since we have made so much progress from our last stage in the pre production. There was some minor mistakes that we can improve and add on before fully animating for the weeks ahead but it was an overall success and better than the last two presentations. We have our destinated roles these months so we can continue on with production to our post-production. 

Here is what I had contributed to the presentation as well as setting up the slides and text for my teammates and my own:


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