Archive of ‘Animation Dissertation/Report’ category

Animation Dissertation Starting Research Week 2

With our upcoming assignment (dissertation report proposal) we went back to our essay’s breakdown of the wordcount for each part of the report and most importantly our reading lists (in Harvard style).

In the ulster university electronic resources as an animation student in final year to find articles and journals to support my point within my chosen topic which includes;

  • Ebooks
  • Journals
  • ReferencingΒ 
  • Databases

We understood more on what are journals, types of journals like trade magazines and academic journals as well as databases which indexes our content with a wide range of research chosen for this specific topic. Usearch, Proquest complete, Scobus and Webscience.

Step 1: – Keywords e.g. animation, anime, keyframes or phases, digital media and stop motion.

Step 2: – Identify word/phases with similar meaning animation

Step 3: – Truncate – shorten words with similar meaning animationΒ 

Step 4: – Quotation marks – balance or grout, animated film, visual effects or peoples names like Walt Disney, DreamWorks and Nickelodeon.

Step 5: – Impact, Effect, Issues, Identify and check spelling and make sure the info is correct.Β 

Through this week I narrowed down my topics to two and wrote 5 questions for each to (X) out the ones I didn’t think were suitable for the essay. In the end I picked the one topic and the one point I would be reviewing for the report proposal and dissertation essay before next week for our tutorials.Β 

Animation Dissertation/Report Semester 1 Week 1: Introduction


Starting our lecture with Yuan who had given us a brief on our module on a Dissertation essay or an Industry report from our own choosing for this semester. Quite similar to our last assignment which involved a topic question simplified by our topic of interest which is connected to animation of sorts. For myself I have chosen the dissertation essay than the industry report and have started taking my interests of animation and making questions for these interests to narrow down a topic and question of my choosing before submitting the form for October 16th.Β 

Using Mindview I narrowed down my interests with animation to 4 to 5Β  and was able to pick my last two on what I would focus on this week with Yuan’s explanation on the essay and plan my research question and find a way to break down parts for the essay with intro, main body and conclusion.Β 

Induction Week


For our induction week which took place on the Monday 18th September, we were introduced to the first and seconds as well as our modules this year. We were sorted into mixed years with the 1st and 2nd years which Connor Presley and I Lauren Maxwell as 3rd years with other years such as Oliwia Zembala, Sarah Dobson and Felix.Β 

Our task for the week was too take photos of our surrounding areas with google plate eyes to make objects and props look alive. After collecting our photos and posting them on discord we quickly took the characters and made them feel alive by adding expressions. It was a fun activity for the week for all of us. Here is my piece I have done from the past two days which I’m happy with.Β 

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