Major Project Pre – Production Week 7

Pre – Production Presentation

This week our group had presented our Pre – Production Presentation of our short film ‘Is Somebody out there?’ to show off the progress we had done to 7 weeks. Sarah and I spoke for our presentation with Dylan clicking the screen to the next slide. We briefly recapped our finished plot which Sarah wrote, the style and other animations were taking inspiration from and other short films to fit the horror genre of our short film and the style of animation we are going for which is hybrid animation of 2D and 3D animation.

I had talked about the character designs of the boy, the father and the creature each represented by a specific shape with colour schemes and inspirations and research from other characters that fit our characters personality. Dylan worked on the layout and environment of the cabin on the rooms hallways and doors of the environment and the 3D previs of it on Maya. 

We also did an asset list of what it would be included for our short film like significant prop assets, furniture, the environment outside and finally what will be in 2D and 3D. (I did a 3D model of a pumpkin or simply known as a jack o lantern. I shown my research on jump scares and building up suspense which we are going for 2 suspense scenes and 3 jump scares for short film for this time. 

Sarah had shown off the first 2D animatic in her style to show what we are aiming for and how to greatly improve our animatic/previs. We then showed our storyboards which I had created to fit the art style we are going for which includes the middle and ending parts. We then mentioned the software’s we will be using for the project and finally redid our schedule of the timeline of what we should be doing. 

Lecturers Review on project

Overall good and a bit better to the pitch presentation from October with some things covered compared to the last presentation. First was us finding someone or selecting music for our sound design which we did not add into the film, the pacing of the short film as what will be quick paced and what bits will be slow, the pipeline of our production and finishing off with our pre – production stage. Also some references they mentioned with die hard in the elevator scene and smiling friends for reference for our main project to look at. With our storyboards I had made, they had some comments on some scenes an specific moments with the camera angles for third person, zooming out instead of rotating and some scenes needed fixing. They also said to include gestures for the boy and the dad when it comes to line of action and to improve drawings of the character design sheets. They also made comment on Sarah’s animatic which did not match the style of the storyboard itself. 

After the talks I wrote down notes from the presentation on what I should focus and what needs improvements. So talking with the group and our roles on fixing, I focused on the intro of the storyboard and gestures of the boy, Dylan with the environment and picking colour schemes of the project the layout of the cabin and Sarah starting the experimentation stage for the production. 



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