Major Project Blog Writing Week 6

Reflective blogs

We were briefly recapped on blogs and especially our reflective blogs for this semester’s major project which should cover our research, artistry, techniques/planning and we’ve used communication between team mates. For our major project we have to focus on our idea, pre production, production, post production and our portfolio pages. 

This really gave me a new insight to my blog and what should be changed and added onto it. That I should always add my opinions on the lesson on what I have learnt, what the lecturers had explained in our lessons and evidence on what we have done for our projects/lessons. It gave time to reflect and go to my previous posts to make sure everything is clear and concise for my major project and essay. 

For our pre-production stages and before having our presentation for week 7 I took the time to model a pumpkin for our major project being the 3D element for our environment outside the cabin. Here the link to the reference I used to help me model a 3D jack o’ lantern.

Following the videos guide was a bit hard sense I had to remember certain controls and keys while modelling and it was very fast to follow. But I was able to follow it and model the pumpkin and fix the UV of the pumpkin to showcase for next weeks presentation on pre – production. 

Here is the result.

I also took time to create character design sheets for the father and son with references I had collected from other multimedia shows and movies to build the characters and work on the middle and ending part of the storyboard this week to experiment with camera angles and use the layout of the cabin which my teammate Dylan had modelled for the proper layout of the cabin. 

Took a lot of time for the storyboards and experimenting different camera angles and perspective which my lecturer Aodhan talked about the story and to make it feel less comedic. 



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