Major Project Scheduling and Project Planning Week 2

This week we learnt about scheduling and what it is as it will be vital to our major project this semester. How we must handle our budgeting, time management, time in production and finally overlapping like a waterfall with everything to keep the scheduling full. We must also plan the development of the project with the main idea, the script made, research (visual/context) and concepts.

Focus on the pre-production on designs, storyboards of the story and appearance of characters, animatic/3D previs and dialogue. Then the production with character rigs, animation, backgrounds/assets, VFX/simulations and lighting/rendering. After that would be the post-production with editing, compositing music/sound FX and fixes to any mistakes found out.Β 

The first act of this would be to break down the schedule with working with the start, middle or end or start from backwards. Getting dates sorted and due dates for each task at hand to finish by. To work on the frame count per day by blocking, animating and fixing. When it comes to a short film it must have one person or a team working on the project, discuss how long the the pre production will take, to make characters, how long to render the animation and how long to animate the project.Β Β 

To calculate the 20% buffer with sick/holidays off work or any family emergencies that has occurred for the individual. Other assignments or modules to work on with the major project and essays for the creative futures and dissertation. Finally any documentation for the work blog on on the website.Β 

We were introduced to Chris (Chriswastyping) who handles sound design for short films and how he’s always free to help us add his sound to our short films. We then were introduced to time management tools such as;

  • Todoist
  • Wunderlist
  • Goggle CalendarΒ 
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Toggl
  • Rescuetime
  • TrelloΒ 
  • Asana
  • Focusbooster
  • Pomello

Other note taking apps include;

  • Evernote
  • Onenote
  • Eisenhower
  • Getting things done (GTD)
  • Streaks
  • Habitica
  • Google Calendar
  • Clockify

Team Management is vital when working in a team as we must discuss conflict resolution strategies that includes;

  • Talk
  • Clarify roles
  • Collectively assess task importance and deadlines.
  • Implement regular team meetings, encourage active listening and clarify expectations.
  • facilitate a brainstorming session to explore different active ideas.Β 
  • Encourage open minders and compromise or consider combining elements from each vision to create a unique solution.
  • Review the project timeline and make adjustments if deadlines are unrealistic.
  • Distribute tasks more evenly, and provide support to reduce stress.Β 

Balance life and work

  • Work/life balance
  • Routine
  • PerseveranceΒ 
  • Take a break/get up
  • Marathon (occasional/sprint)
  • Keep notes/annotations
  • Show talk to people about the project

For our activities we had discussed what we will be doing for both semesters on our major project and what to focus on before the week of our pitch presentation. Here is the first draft of our time management of both semesters.Β 


I had two meetups with my team on discord from Wednesday and Monday when finishing our pitch presentation before the Tuesday and what we have contributed for it.Β 

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