Professional Practice Week 4 Guest Animation Career Talk
Four people had appeared into our course last Friday and introduced themselves as Denis, Rachel, Matthrew and Rheanna who are animators, concept artists, 3D modellers and Directors. They had told us about their work and companies that have helped in their process to create characters and be able to animate their short films. They give us tips on what companies would want from us and want to see from our portfolios for the future as it is relevant to who we are and what can we do.
We asked them questions about their work, experience, what had motivated them to keep going with this work. Like for e.g. “It is vital to have hobbies or do something with someone that doesn’t involve work, for if you keep working on your computer every day your hands will only know the keypad and nothing else you have enjoyed in life”. It is important not to burn out on work as must relax, exercise and stay hydrated. It was a very interesting meeting with these graduates as it does give us time to think about what we want to do and what we should aim for our CV’s.