Animation Strategies Week 3 Presentations and Exercise

Our group had prepared a presentation for our Faerie Dungeon concepts, art styles and layout of the building. It ended with us having tips and improvements for concept ideas and our layout for the levels. 

We were given an exercise on a tree style we would pick and choose what kind of art style I would go for. For my tree I wanted to look cute and calm for the person to have that emotional response when they first looked at it. I wanted to go for two tone colours with gradient with soft pastel colours and a selected texture for the leaves of the tree using substance painter. 

I also did an asset for fun and try to fit the theme for group project in the Faerie dungeon. 

The activity overall was interesting a good way to recap what we had done back in first year of animation. As well as having blackboard videos from our lecturers and using YouTube related to substance painter to aid us when we are stuck on a problem that we cannot fix. 



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