Category: Uncategorized

IXD303: What Area of Healthcare Should I Focus on?

Healthcare is a huge subject area. Therefore, I decided to make a spider diagram of different areas I could focus on for this project. I also wrote some potential UX solutions that I could incorporate into my design. After doing this, the animal category was the one that grabbed my attention the most. I love…Continue Reading IXD303: What Area of Healthcare Should I Focus on?

IXD303: Week 2 Reflect

Our current project is all about healthcare. In this week’s class, we did some competitor analysis on different healthcare websites. We were told to take some screenshots of our local healthcare site and share our thoughts with the class. Miro Board It was interesting looking at how each website differed, some were better than…Continue Reading IXD303: Week 2 Reflect

IXD303: Digital Healthcare UX Trends Research

During the ideation process of this project, it is important I find inspiration from many places. I read an article ( on UX trends in healthcare to open my mind to more possibilities and encourage me to come up with more unique ideas. Digital Health Tools for Pets There are wearable devices for pets such…Continue Reading IXD303: Digital Healthcare UX Trends Research

IXD303: Design in Healthcare Research (IDEO’s PRIME App)

The start of this project is all about research so I thought it would be beneficial to look at some ways design has been used in healthcare. IDEO – PRIME App Improving Quality of Life for Young Adults with Schizophrenia I listened to a talk and read the case study on this app and became…Continue Reading IXD303: Design in Healthcare Research (IDEO’s PRIME App)

IXD303: Design Methods Research

There are many ways to work through a design project. I thought it would be beneficial to research a few to find which one works best for me. It would be useful to try out some of these methods with my own projects. The Double Diamond This method was produced by the Design Council to…Continue Reading IXD303: Design Methods Research

IXD303: Week 1 Reflect (Laws of UX)

This week was an introduction to the IXD303 module where we got our brief for this semester’s project. The project is designing a digital product related to healthcare. This is a very broad subject area with lots of directions I could go in. I am excited to get started with it. However, this week, I…Continue Reading IXD303: Week 1 Reflect (Laws of UX)

IXD304: Visual Inspiration on the Apollo Space Programme

Moodboards This week’s task was to gather visual inspiration for the Apollo Space Programme. This could be from books, movies, TV, or anywhere we find inspiration. Books First, I went to my local library and took these pictures from books about space. Doing this really opened my eyes to other sources of inspiration rather than…Continue Reading IXD304: Visual Inspiration on the Apollo Space Programme

IXD304: Week 1 “Thinking like a Storyteller” talk reflect

Thinking like a Storyteller This week, we were told to listen to this talk by Cindy Chastain on storytelling. This blog post will be my thoughts and reflections on this. As designers, we tell stories in lots of ways: Communication., user stories, personas, scenarios, storyboards, and even comics. Framework., brand stories, and product stories. Another…Continue Reading IXD304: Week 1 “Thinking like a Storyteller” talk reflect

IXD302: Final Submission/Links to Posts

Proposal/Invoice Lauren Gilmore Proposal Lauren Gilmore Invoice Blog Posts: IXD302: UX Proposal Research IXD302: Proposal Competitor Analysis IXD302: Proposal IXD302: Invoice   Pitch Pitch Slides: pitch presentation Lauren Gilmore Pitch PDF: pitch presentation Lauren Gilmore Blog Posts: IXD302: Pitch Idea & Research IXD302: Pitch User Research IXD302: SWOT Analysis IXD302: Pitch Competitor Analysis IXD302: Empathy…Continue Reading IXD302: Final Submission/Links to Posts