Fairy Realm – Group 6

We made a powerpoint presentation to explore are style and look for the environment.

First the group made a list of assets we need for the scene.

Next we made a schedule so that we can keep track of what we are suppose to be doing each week.

Concept Art

For this group’s project I made a teacup and teapot houses.  The idea was that the fairies would live in them in our world.  I came up with some concept designs for what the teapot  and teacup will look like in the environment. I got some references from Google Images and started to explore teapot shapes.  I looked at teapots and teacups that were vintage because we thought they would suit the design of the world better.  I thought I could text you them in Photoshop by painting my own flower pattern.


We also wanted flowers inspired by Alice in Wonderland which had the faces on them.  I did some concept art for them and tried to make  them look like they had a face as much as possible.


Teacup progress

For my tea cup I started with a cylinder and added more vertices. Next shaped it into the reference image that I had for my tea cup.  I went with an old china cup and during the process I was going to add a window to get as well.












Teacup Texture

 I deleted the faces at the top of the cup up.and reversed it. Next I flipped it over so that it looks more like a house and the next step was to use another cylinder to make a window. When I was done with that I started UV mapping which I did have trouble with but got it resolved with help from  Henry.  I then did  textures in Photoshop and made a vintage look to match my teapot.


For my Teapot I use another reference again that I got off Google which was of an old vintage teapot. The design for it inspired my final texture.  I used a cylinder and use the same technique as my tea cup by adding more vertices.

However I did have to redo the lead as the first one  wasn’t working right. Next I began the UV mapping which again I had trouble with but I used a video on YouTube to help me solve the problem. Another YouTube video helped me with the door and windows as I was stuck on high to make them.

Teapot Textures

For the textures I wanted them to look like a painting as I thought it was tone in with the background. The word texture I made sure to use texture brushes to give it that tree effect.


Videos that helped me through the project

As I am a visual learner I had to use a couple of YouTube videos to help me through my modelling process and how to use unreal Engine. These helped me through difficult tasks as I was unsure how to fix them.


This PowerPoint was made to show my progress in the group and to the class and I got positive feedback on how and what to fix.  I find this very useful to get back all feedback  so that my project could be better.

Unreal Engine

I had a couple of hiccups with unreal Engine as my model wasn’t working right and I had to go in to uni one day so that Henry could help me figure it out. I was relieved when Henry fixed the problem and I could continue on with my work so that I could get all my group’s assets into unreal.  When I finally got the teapot and cup to work I sent a file to the group.

 For the scene I set up all the assets into the places I thought were suitable. I then added lights to give the scene a magical atmosphere.  I also use them to light up the crystals and stars.  for my windows I used a set right so it gives a glowing effect. When I was happy enough I set up a camera and started to do my shots.

Unreal Video


Overall I found this project quite difficult  and overwhelming at times. It did challenge me in my 3D modelling skills and I have to say I have learnt a lot more about Maya. Unreal was a bit frustrating to  learn  and it almost blew up my computer but it was fun learning how to set up a scene and lighting. At points I did find myself thinking I am going to finish this project as 3D isn’t my best medium. I did struggle to work in a group as I found there was a lot of pressure to make everything perfect and on time.  It took me a while to get everything done  as I had some things to fix. I do feel bad for my other group members because they had to wait so long for me to catch up but I’m grateful that they were very patient with me.  I have learnt a lot from this project and I am proud of what I have achieved. In future I will ask for more help and don’t be shy about asking for it. I will try and use the resources I have  and use them to my advantage.


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