Month: April 2024

Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design

I researched Artificial Intelligence for my dissertation this year and found a lot of various information about how this will affect the graphic design field now and in the future. In my opinion, based on research and first-hand experience AI will not replace us humans as graphic designers. Yes, they can do the job to…Continue Reading Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design

Research and Inspiration Part 2

With having an interest in TV shows and movie title scenes since having a project in year 2 I’ve always loved seeing any that spark my attention come on. I always must watch and not skip. Recently I watched Yellowstone and was immediately engrossed by the title introduction. The music suited the scene so well…Continue Reading Research and Inspiration Part 2

My Past Inspirations and Future Plans.

When I first started my art and design journey, I was very much interested in fashion design and patterns. Doing fine art made my love for this grow and made me become more aware of research and inspiration. This leads me to love doing mixed media art. Artists such as Maiko Takeda who used pieces…Continue Reading My Past Inspirations and Future Plans.

Inspiration and Artist Research Part 1

One of the main reasons I studied Graphic Design was when I heard in college that it its like conveying a message through design. I was in love with everything mixed media and the thought of this really inspired me. Throughout my research this year I discovered an artist, Mel Chin. He is described as…Continue Reading Inspiration and Artist Research Part 1