Second Week Professional Practice Self Reflection Questions Part Two.

What Industry would I like to work in?

I have a conflicted mind on what industry I would like to work in. I enjoy typography and branding. I also enjoy doing campaigns and protest art.

When I finish university, I would like to experience as much of the industry as possible, from working in a big team or corporate environment to small design teams. Eventually, I would love to work with introductions of series and movies doing graphic design on shows, etc. My animation skills would need to get better as I feel this is the type of work I struggle the most with.

What type of business would you like to work in?

The type of business I would like to work for I picture to be not too corporate but has a large team. I would like somewhere I could be flexible and work from home if needed and be able to have a studio space with other designers to be able to bounce ideas off each other. This would help improve and develop ideas more creatively working with a team in a relaxed and inspiring environment.

What type of work would I like to work on?

I would love to experience a variety of different ways and what to work on.

I have an interest in typography and mixed media images. Being able to work hands-on and in an analog way is important to me, such as printmaking. Getting my hands dirty and lost in experimenting is something I enjoy. I also want to improve my animation work and build my skills within this type of work.

What experiences can I draw reflection from?

I would say working in college on my art and design foundation year as the studio space and working around other like-minded people helped me improve my own ideas and helped inspire my work more in various ways. Having group feedback and having a year to experience that way of work really helped develop my own independence within my work. Also being in university taught me to be more confident within myself and to push myself more. Another experience would be teaching arts and crafts to adults with learning difficulties. This helped improve my speaking to people in a presenting role organising classes and working within a timeline and budget. Working this job really pushed me out of my comfort zone and built confidence in my work and personal skills.

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