I had the least involvement in this section. Sarah added the lighting to the environments and the glow on the starfish. Everyone rendered the shots they animated and then gave them to Michael, he then edited all the shots together, adding the music and sound effects. He also added the title and credits. Here is the final film:



Overall, I am very happy with everyone’s work, the final film looks great. If I was to do this again, I would focus on getting the starfish model done sooner, it was finished within the allocated time but, I think we all could have benefited from having a little more time to animate as it was a bit of a rush at the end. However, saying this I am very proud with how it turned out, through all the trial and error I learned a lot about character modeling and the best way to tackle it. I am also very happy with how the backgrounds turned out, if I had more time, I would have modeled more clutter like shells and plants. I also would have added my bubble particles. 

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