Category: Biro studies

Illustration – Compound Words Digital Designs

Here I have created my previous sketches based on compound words. Out of all six sketches I had kept my initial sketches black and white then went on to experiment with colour digitally. I had also chosen two from the six drawings and created them on figma.


Illustration – Compound word sketches

These are a series of illustration sketches based on a variety of compound words. Firstly, I had brainstormed different compound words, then choose six of those words and created initial sketches to then create on figma.

Graphic Design – graphic language

These are a series of graphic language design ideas that’s based on different elements such as: shape, balance, rhythm, glyph, type etc, which I have turned into small initial sketches influenced by their name. I’d decided to keep the sketches black and white, then experiment with colour when designing these elements digitally.




Jamie Reid’s Art Exhibition – observation sketches

Whilst visiting the Taking Liberties exhibition I had created a series of quick observation sketches of the artists work along the way. Within these sketches I had just included a few individual pieces that I had taking great interest in and I had also taking consideration of the space surrounding and layout of their work, as the artist had a great display.



TADF – Structure Drawings

These are a series of timed sketches based on a mannequin that involves different types of materials. I’ve also looked at creating drawings based on the fabric itself, where I’ve roughly sketched the outline and created my own pattern/design.