With this assignment I got a lot of new experiences where I learned a lot about the 3D animation part. In the topic that was passed to us at first impression I was very excited to start doing the animation theme ‘Escape’ where I had many ideas to do!
But I was also a bit anxious because it was a more complex topic and new to me! In the first week we already had the group formation where we had the freedom to decide with whom we would pair up, with the group part I was very happy with the girls that I had the opportunity to work together we had a good communication and the ideas flowed very well.

With the first tasks that was passed to us I did not have much difficulty as for example to learn to use camera, basic movements to make a ball bounce and learn to use the timeline in these points did not feel so difficult but for other ports as for example; learn to use keys & drive had some difficulties where I always forgot one of the basic commands or had difficulty in selecting the object, my biggest difficulties was learning to understand a little more about how RIGGING worked where I had several attempts that made me start several times my characters because of errors in the system or errors in join

To solve and understand a little more some commands had to watch many guides and tutorials that helped me understand a lot more how to make the animation.
Throughout the process I tried to practice as much as possible and do the best to absorb the information that we were taught in class. Also in all this I managed to have a learning in the communication part where my language is a little more complicated point for me; I managed to have a new experience in practicing more the communication with my group even sometimes being very tired and stressed for having sometimes a problem in the animation process as for example all my files being DELETED, but with my group I managed to keep calm and solve what in the moment I had an option.

In this module I liked a lot of I got to learn a new part of the animation where I did not have much knowledge and in this I got to understand also the bridges that I have more difficulties where I will try to perfect me studying and practicing so that I do not pass for more problems in the animation and if I could come back and remake this animation I took off changing a little in the part of song where I did not like very much I made some changes for better and to be more dynamic the soundtrack.

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