{Week 6} Escape Presentation & Updates

Escape Presentation:

On the day of the presentation I had a bad day before so I arrived later at the university, by the time I got to class my group was already presenting so I couldn’t participate. After our group performed our tutors made some updates and comments on our characters and previews.

For the characters the tutors told us to make a smoother style of the characters making it more fluffy and taking a bit of the LOW POLY style of the characters.To facilitate in the part we remembered of what we would have to make of changes the Zoe made some notes for the parts that we would have that to make the changes.



In the part of texture of the characters Zoe and Joyce were responsible for making the final textures of the characters where in the part of modeling was ready, and just needed to finish the texture.



On my character Zoe did the final texture where I really liked the little details and the colours she put in, for the changes she talked to me in class about whether I would like to make a small change to the colour of my ‘Cupcake’ where I loved the result of the colours and texture.



My Cupcake:

Sketchfab link: https://skfb.ly/oFsUH

Paletta color: 


After finishing the textures Joyce put the characters together to see how all the sweets would look together with a new texture designer on them.



Props & Layout :

With the Layout part I was responsible for doing the layout in the modelling and construction part, I did a more detailed modelling with some of the ideas I had and that my group also shared. To have a bigger help Eve and Jessica sent some ideas of bakery images where they had the beautiful styles of bakeries for our animation.



So I started making my first layout ideas using the layout reference images.



For the props I made three items of furniture to put in the bakery, which was a cuter style for our animation. I made a refrigerator, a coffee machine and a bench that would be where the characters would be running from the roller. When making it I used some images as references and talking to my group they helped me to choose which object was better to model.





My intention was still to use the same colours and dark shades on the worktop just focusing more on the shape and details.


Coffe Machine:





For the designer of the coffee machine I did the same style as the reference but changed the colours to match the tones that our group was wanting to do.






For the fridge I focused on some designer styles with some YouTube videos where I really liked the fridge designers, so I used two of these fridge references.

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