Week 3 – Zubat Modelling

Zubat Modelling:

In the third week we were given the task of making a small animation of a Zubat character, to be another way to practice the animation part.

Then I started doing the modelling of the Zubat doing the basic part of the modelling. Then putting the colours in Zubat and finally making the modelling.



In the process of the task I liked and I could learn some commands and techniques that I did not know how to use in Blender. Making the Zubat I had no difficulty at the beginning of the process, but for the part of making the wings I had some difficulties and in making the details of the wings that were on the edge of the wing, but to be able to help me could understand and make the wings of the Zubat I followed some tutorials of my staff to be able to solve the problems that I had.
After I made some of the parts that for me was a little difficult I put the colours and as final the animation of the Zubat, in the animation already was a little more basic and fun to do in the animation I made basic movements and with simple movements in the wings. Doing this task I was very happy to do, I found it a very fun way to practice the animation part with the commands.




Final :



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