Week 3 – Milkshake & Flower Modelling

Milkshake :


In the third week we did some more 3D projects to practice some more commands and modelling tools, the software I used was Blender to do the modelling.In this process we had the task of making a modelling of a Milkshake cup we managed to learn more how to do some things like for example for me I managed to learn how to leave the object that was the cup with a ‘plastic’ effect giving more reality to the modelling.








With this modelling I had fun in doing was a modelling not very difficult being a little easier and much calmer in doing. In the part of the colours also liked to do quiz use colours that I like more the palette of pastel shades of purple and blue colours liked to learn to use some tools in Blender that left the objects with more realistic effect.



After the first modelling that I did that was the milkshake I did the modelling of a flower vase in class. In class I could prepare the modelling and make the creation process in Blender software.

With the process I used some new commands that made many differences in the item that was the flower, with this task I had to pay more attention by containing some very specific details at the time of making the flower mainly in the part of the petals that are a little more delicate in shape to let it more curved with realistic aspect without looking too square.




Final :



At the end of this modelling I liked a lot to have worked on this task and the final effect of the modelling I was very satisfied with the colours and the modelling.

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